
Abdominal Pain

Abdominal pain overview and CBD relief for abdominal pain

What causes Abdominal Pain?

Anywhere in the belly area, between your ribs and pelvis, can experience abdominal pain. We frequently refer to abdominal discomfort as “stomach pain” or a “stomachache,” although other organs can also cause abdominal pain.

The following reside in your abdomen:

  • Stomach.
  • Liver.
  • Gallbladder.
  • Pancreas.
  • Small intestine.
  • Large intestine

All of these are digestive system organs. However, discomfort can also occur in your abdominal wall, the skin and muscles surrounding your belly. Additionally, your chest, pelvis, or back may occasionally be to blame for the pain you experience in your abdomen.

Symptoms of Abdominal Pain

  • Mild or harsh.
  • Sharp or dull.
  • Aching or burning.
  • Colicky or crampy
  • Continuous or irregular.
  • Localized (limited to one location) or generalized (all over).

Abdominal discomfort is ultimately a personal symptom that only you can describe. It is what you say it is because your healthcare provider is unable to measure it. Your stomach ache will always be taken seriously by your doctor.

How common is stomach pain?

Almost everyone will eventually experience stomach pain. It usually isn’t serious and gets better on its own. But it might also signal a major sickness or possibly a serious emergency. Five percent of trips to the emergency room are due to abdominal pain.

What are the four types of abdominal pain?

Your abdomen contains numerous organs; your doctor may want to focus on a specific area of your abdomen to determine what kind of discomfort you’re experiencing. The abdomen is frequently divided into four quadrants by medical professionals. If your pain is in the: they might inquire.

  • Upper right abdominal pain.
  • Upper left abdominal pain.
  • Lower right abdominal pain.
  • Lower left abdominal pain.

What does abdominal pain location tell you?

Your stomach pain’s location is a crucial indicator, but it’s not the only one. The organs that are affected might be revealed. For instance, discomfort in your upper right quadrant could indicate a liver or gallbladder issue.

However, your healthcare professional will also want to learn more about your pain’s nature, frequency, and intensity. This will provide them with further information on the potential nature of your ailment.

What causes lower abdominal pain in females?

Menstrual cramps, brought on by the uterus contracting during menstruation, are one of the most common causes of lower abdomen pain. These cramps are typically minor for the majority of women and are manageable with over-the-counter painkillers. But other women get cramps that are so bad they could need a prescription drug.

Ovulation is another typical factor in lower abdomen pain. The ovary releases an egg during ovulation, and the subsequent rise in hormone levels can occasionally make the abdomen feel uncomfortable. This discomfort typically subsides on its own within a day or two.

Lower abdomen pain may occasionally be a symptom of a more serious medical problem, such as ovarian cancer or endometriosis. It’s crucial to see your doctor for a diagnosis if you have severe or chronic lower abdominal pain. Only a medical practitioner can rule out symptoms that have more serious causes.

Even while lower abdomen pain is frequently nothing to be concerned about, it’s best to see a doctor if the pain is severe or continuous. You can make sure that any underlying medical ailment is correctly identified and addressed by doing this.

What causes lower central abdominal pain?

As previously stated, a woman may feel lower central abdominal pain for a variety of reasons, including


Throughout a woman’s menstrual cycle, various hormonal changes occur. These can occasionally cause the uterus to contract in order to remove the uterine lining, causing discomfort and cramps in the lower abdomen.

Urinary tract infections (UTI)

Because the female urethra is shorter than the male urethra, UTIs are more common in women than in males. The bladder can become infected as a result of the bacteria’s ease of access to the bladder. Lower abdominal pain, a burning feeling while urination, and/or murky urine are all potential UTI symptoms.

Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)

When bacteria from a UTI moves upward into the uterus, fallopian tubes, or ovaries, PID—a reproductive organ infection—can happen. PID can result in fever, chills, irregular menstrual bleeding, lower abdominal pain, and soreness.


In this syndrome, the uterus’ lining tissue spreads outside of the organ. Endometriosis can produce excruciating pain in the lower abdomen along with other symptoms, including exhaustion, constipation, and heavy periods.

What causes lower left abdominal pain?

There are several potential reasons for stomach pain in women, including:

Gas (flatulence)

The left side will hurt from the intestinal gas. People occasionally experience bloating, burping, and nausea when this occurs.

Polyps or diverticular disease

The disorder affects the large intestine and is frequent (colon). Diverticulitis can result in fever, diarrhea, constipation, and severe abdominal discomfort on the lower left side of the abdomen.

Kidney stones

The ureters, which are tubes that connect the kidneys to the bladder, can occasionally get blocked by microscopic mineral fragments that originate in the kidneys. Back pain, nausea, and vomiting can also result from this and significant pain on either side of the lower abdomen.

What causes lower right abdominal pain?

Lower right abdomen pain may have several causes, including:


The appendix becomes infected and inflamed in this situation. In addition to nausea, vomiting, and fever, appendicitis symptoms can also include pain on the lower right side of the abdomen.


Gallstones are tiny, hard objects that develop in the gallbladder. They can occasionally induce right-side abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and jaundice (yellowing of the skin).

Crohn’s disease

An example of an inflammatory bowel illness affecting any area of the digestive tract is Crohn’s disease. Crohn’s disease symptoms might include diarrhea, exhaustion, weight loss, and pain and cramping on the right side of the abdomen.

What causes general lower abdominal pain?

A woman may feel nonspecific lower abdomen pain for a variety of reasons. Among the most frequent causes are:

Muscular pain

Pain in the area can occasionally result from strained or torn abdominal muscles. Overuse, such as laughing, coughing, or lifting heavy objects, is frequently the cause of this.


Upper abdominal discomfort is referred to as indigestion (dyspepsia) in general. Numerous factors might contribute to it, including stress and consuming fatty or spicy foods. In addition to bloating, burping, and nausea, lower abdominal pain is one of the signs of indigestion.


Pregnancy is frequently accompanied by general lower abdomen pain as the uterus grows to accommodate the developing fetus. The position of the baby inside the womb can also produce pain, which may be more severe on one side than the other.

Ectopic Pregnancy

Any pregnancy in which the fertilized egg implants itself outside the uterus is considered an ectopic pregnancy. Due to the possibility of the fallopian tube rupturing and internal bleeding, this is a medical emergency. Lower abdominal pain, shoulder pain, lightheadedness, and vaginal bleeding are some of the signs of ectopic pregnancy.

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

The digestive system is affected by IBS, a disorder. It can result in a number of symptoms, such as lower abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, and constipation.

What is CBD?

An extract of the hemp plant is CBD oil. In the field of natural medicine, the hemp plant is known to contain over 100 distinct phytochemicals, including terpenes and cannabinoids.

Cannabidiol, or CBD, is one form of cannabinoid that has demonstrated promise in treating anxiety, pain, and inflammation in many people.

CBD For Abdominal Pain

You’ll be relieved to learn that CBD oil has many beneficial effects on your digestive system if you frequently struggle with issues like diarrhea, constipation, upset stomach, abdominal cramps, bloating, and gas.

Your intestinal and stomach walls can be soothed and relaxed by CBD oil.
This may lessen unneeded discomfort brought on by tight stomach muscles. Additionally, CBD lowers inflammation, which promotes a healthy systemic absorption of nutrients, food, and waste.

Your gut microbiota, which significantly impacts your general health, can be balanced with CBD, which will help keep you feeling wonderful.

It has been demonstrated that CBD improves gut health by maintaining the ideal pH levels in the intestines and limiting bacterial development. This may also lessen inflammation, which supports the body’s efficient disposal of dietary waste and healthy digestion of nutrients. Additionally, it regulates appetite and lessens motion sickness, which can considerably improve your digestive system as a whole.

CBD oil is also known to reduce depression and anxiety symptoms.

As digestive problems are frequently brought on by stress or sadness, those who experience these circumstances may find this to be of great use. Often, CBD may have antidepressant benefits that reduce anxiety and uplift your spirits, which can benefit your general health and wellbeing.

How to use CBD oil for digestive relief

CBD oil is known to have several advantageous effects on the digestive system when used properly. You’ll want to use safe practices when using CBD oil because there are numerous brands and varieties of it accessible all over the world.

CBD oil can be used in a number of ways to ease stomach discomfort, including:

Tinctures or drops

You may either buy CBD oil already mixed with other components or buy pure CBD and mix it yourself if you want to consume it orally. Make sure you’re utilizing CBD oil that has been approved as safe by a third-party lab before you do anything.

One of the finest oral CBD administration methods is through tinctures. Make sure to adhere to the recommended dosage guidelines if you want to use tinctures. It is advised to begin with 2-3 drops per day for anyone under 150 pounds.

Tinctures can be simply added to meals or drinks without significantly changing the flavor.

You can place 1-2 drops of pure CBD oil under your tongue and hold it there for up to 60 seconds. Additionally, you can consume CBD oil by mixing it with food or beverages.

CBD capsules

CBD capsules are another fantastic CBD consumption choice. Like tinctures, it’s crucial to check the source and confirm that the CBD oil you’re consuming has its purity verified by a third-party lab.

You can precisely measure your dosage using pure capsules instead of other types. This is critical to ensuring that your body receives a safe and constant dosage.

CBD topicals

Topical CBD creams or ointments are other items using CBD as a component. Any area of your body where you experience pain, such as the abdomen, can be rubbed with them.

You can get pain relief without ingesting anything by just applying CBD to the affected area. If you have sensitive skin and don’t want to use other ointments that can irritate it, topicals are a perfect alternative.

Numerous people have used alternative medicine to address a variety of digestive problems, including:

  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
  • Chronic heartburn
  • Ulcerative Colitis
  • Crohn’s Disease
  • Colitis
  • Gastritis Constipation
  • Acid Reflux

These illnesses can all lead to a variety of digestive issues, such as pain, discomfort, bloating, gas, nausea, and vomiting.

All the conditions mentioned may be treated with CBD to lessen or completely eliminate your digestive discomfort. It’s also crucial to keep in mind that CBD can be used in addition to conventional anti-anxiety drugs because it has been demonstrated that CBD helps balance serotonin levels in the body.

What causes digestive issues?

  • Bacterial illnesses induced by food poisoning.
  • Internal organ infection or damage, such as to the stomach or intestine
  • Treatments with chemotherapy
  • Immune system disorders
  • Parasites

Recent studies have found that CBD has a lot of promise for treating several digestive problems. The majority of the time, CBD oil is well tolerated and has no negative side effects. This is because CBD balances the body’s endocannabinoid system at the molecular level.

As more individuals are considering the advantages of CBD, CBD oil for digestive problems is growing in popularity. It’s crucial to conduct your own study to find out whether CBD oil can relieve your symptoms if you’re one of the people who are interested in alternative medicine.

Many people have had success using CBD oil topically on the afflicted areas, ingesting it orally, or using pills to treat digestive disorders. If you’re seeking a natural substitute for prescription drugs, you might want to think about CBD.

What Can I do To Relieve Abdominal Pain?

You can eat specific meals to aid with the various digestive problems you could be dealing with.

Bloating and Gas

Natural antiflatulents can be found in foods like ginger, fennel, and black pepper, including essential oils. One teaspoon of either of the spices can be boiled to make tea in a cup of water.

Chest Pain

Avoid acidic meals like orange and grapefruit juice, tomato sauce and ketchup, chocolate, wine, and soda if you have heartburn. To alleviate symptoms, consume yogurt with living cultures or some milk.


Constipation can be avoided by increasing your dietary fiber intake through fruits and vegetables like:

  • Acai berries
  • Apples
  • Pears
  • Bananas
  • Vegetable cauliflower
  • Carrots.”
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Beans

Additionally, you can speed things along by consuming a lot of water.

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