
Hemp For Hip Pain Relief

Learn about hip pain and how Hemp can provide hip pain relief.

Hip Pain Relief

Hip pain refers to any discomfort, stiffness, or soreness experienced in the hips or pelvis area. Several diseases can cause hip pain, so the treatment depends on the underlying cause of the hip pain.

If you’re experiencing pain on the inside of your groin or pelvis, then there may be an issue with the hip joint itself. However, if the pain is coming from the outside of the hip, thigh, or buttocks, then the pain may be better explained by a problem with the muscles, ligaments, tendons, or other structures around the hip joint.

Hip pain can also be caused by a problem that originates in a completely different area of the body, such as the back. This is commonly called referred pain; in this case, the pain is experienced in the hip but originates in some other area of the body.

Hip Pain Causes

There are various causes of hip pain. Hip pain may be caused by trauma or injury, joint displacement, muscle strain, or bone fracture. Hip pain caused by non-traumatic injury typically involve diseases that cause inflammation and degeneration of the hip joint and bone. The largest contributors to non-traumatic hip pain are arthritis, cancer, avascular necrosis, sciatica (pinched nerve), and bursitis.

The hip joint is especially susceptible to pain from inflammation due to the anatomy of the hip. The hip joint has a large amount of space where there is a small amount of fluid to allow the joint to glide into the socket of the acetabulum easily. When an injury or disease induces inflammation, the empty space will fill with fluid or blood, enlarging the hip joint and causing pain.

Arthritis is a multifactorial disease that causes inflammation of joints and cartilage, leading to permanent damage or disfigurement due to degeneration if left untreated. The most common type of arthritis is osteoarthritis, which commonly affects the hand, feet, knee, and hip joints. Osteoarthritis will cause joint and cartilage degeneration instead of just inflammation, making it particularly dangerous. Septic arthritis occurs when a virus, fungus, or bacteria infect a joint, causing inflammation and subsequent pain and discomfort. This form of arthritis typically comes with a fever and requires antibiotics to clear the infection.

Bursitis occurs when the bursae (tiny sacs that hold fluid) that help cushion the bones, tendons, and muscles surrounding joints become inflamed. This is a particularly painful condition that’s aggravated by movement. As a result, treatment usually involves rest to prevent further damage to the bursae or joint. Bursitis usually clears up on its own, but it may take a few weeks, and flare-ups are fairly common.

When To See A Doctor For Hip Pain

If your hip pain doesn’t get better after rest, icing, and over-the-counter pain medications such as ibuprofen (Advil), acetaminophen (Tylenol), or naproxen (Aleve), you should see a doctor as soon as possible. If your hip pain prevents you from walking or even standing, then you should seek immediate medical attention to determine if a bone is broken. If you have no one who can take you to the doctor or hospital, it may be necessary to call 911 and have an ambulance transport you.

Does Hemp provide Hip Pain Relief?

Cannabidiol or Hemp is a compound naturally produced in cannabis that may treat pain symptoms without producing a high or intoxication. Hemp is typically extracted from hemp and then processed into oil, where it’s frequently sold as is or added into a variety of products from ointments to even beverages. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the psychoactive cannabinoid produced by cannabis that’s known for causing the distinct high or euphoria associated with smoking or consuming cannabis. Hemp and THC differ in many ways, but the most obvious distinction is that Hemp doesn’t get you high or make you feel any form of intoxication when consumed. This is appealing because many people with hip pain want symptom relief but can’t afford to be under the influence of a drug, whether because of work, social engagement, safety concerns, or personal beliefs.

Hemp looks very promising as a potential treatment for pain and inflammation disorders like arthritis or acute inflammation (bursitis, tendonitis, etc.) However, the FDA only views Hemp as a treatment for seizures caused by two rare forms of epilepsy under the pharmaceutical drug called Epidiolex.

Studies surrounding Hemp’s efficacy are very limited, and there needs to be more research conducted to determine if Hemp truly helps those with pain and inflammation. However, researchers and people alike remain optimistic as studies are suggesting that Hemp possesses analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-psychotic, anxiolytic, and neuroprotective properties.

Why Is Hemp Getting So Popular?

Hemp has surged in popularity recently for several reasons. During a devastating opioid crisis, people are seeking safer alternatives to addicting painkillers for treating both acute and chronic pain symptoms. OTC pain medications aren’t always effective and are known to produce serious side effects when overused or used for extended periods of time. Side effects can include stomach bleeding, ulcers, liver damage, and more.

Clinical research is revealing that Hemp shows promise as a treatment for various health conditions and diseases such as oxidative stress, inflammation, cancer, pain, psychiatric disorders, and more. Research on how Hemp affects the body appears to suggest that Hemp produces its effects by indirectly interacting with cannabinoid receptors of the endocannabinoid system (ECS). The ECS is a large and complex system that’s critical for maintaining homeostasis and various biological functions such as pain sensation, mood, sleep, and more. Hemp affects various conditions that affect different parts of the body, including the brain with different symptoms and causes. Science’s best explanation for this is that cannabinoid receptors are scattered throughout the entire body through the central and peripheral nervous systems. There’s still a lot we don’t know about Hemp, cannabinoids, and how they affect the body, but it’s exciting nevertheless.

The 2018 Farm Bill also recently legalized the growing and sale of hemp and hemp-derived products like Hemp oil. Hemp is defined as Cannabis sativa grown without the psychoactive cannabinoid, THC. This legalization has created a significant increase in the production of Hemp oil and Hemp-infused products. The key takeaway here is that Hemp products must not contain more than 0.3 percent THC. Otherwise, it becomes illegal because it’s now classified as marijuana. Marijuana remains a Schedule 1 drug, according to the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA). 

Ways to take Hemp 

Hemp can be taken orally, applied to the skin, or inhaled. There are many different types of products with different benefits and drawbacks. There is no clinically established dosing protocol for Hemp, let alone specifically for hip pain. However, you could start by using the smallest possible amount of Hemp product and then wait an hour or two to observe any effects. Then, slowly increase your dose over the course of the week until you find a dose that provides sufficient pain relief.

Note: Hemp has not been confirmed to treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition. Hemp should not replace disease-modifying drugs used for arthritis. Quality-sourced Hemp is expensive. Make sure it helps your pain symptoms before spending a lot of money.

Taking Hemp By Mouth

Hemp can be swallowed and digested via Hemp oil, Hemp-filled capsules, or Hemp-infused food or drink. The drawback of this method is that it takes longer for Hemp to kick in as it needs to be digested by the stomach and intestines. Factors such as stomach acidity, meal timing, and other medication digestion have not been studied enough to establish their effect on Hemp digestion.

Taking Hemp by mouth is likely the most convenient due to dosing and Hemp oil being the most popular product on the market right now. Accurate dosing is critical because it allows you to determine what works best for you. The best dose of Hemp for hip pain is entirely subjective and highly dependent on several factors like weight and metabolism.

One of the most popular ways to consume Hemp is by placing drops of Hemp oil under the tongue for 60 to 120 seconds to be quickly absorbed into the bloodstream. This route of administration (RoA) provides effects that noticed more quickly at the cost of potential discomfort from the taste of the tincture. Google the “sublingual” method to learn more about this RoA.

Hemp Topicals

Hemp-infused topical products include creams, balms, and salves. To take Hemp topicals, you simply apply the product directly to the skin. Most of the time, additional ingredients are added to synergize with the effects of Hemp; they may include things like aloe vera, coconut oil, or cocoa butter. Always read the product label to avoid any ingredients that you may be allergic to. 

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